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The BEST Ordinances listings near North Central Wisconsin

The BEST Ordinances listings near North Central Wisconsin


CITY OF HORICON ORDINANCE NO. 2024-21 AN ORDINANCE REPEALING AND RECREATING SECTIONS 525-26(E) AND 525-26(F) AND CREATING SECTION 525-26(G), ALL RELATING TO WINTER PARKING, OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF HORICON THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HORICON DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Sections 525-26(E), 525-26(F), and 525-26(G) relating to winter parking restrictions, snow events, and snow emergencies of the Municipal Code of the City of Horicon is hereby repealed and recreated to read as follows: 525-26(E) Definition of a snow event. A snow event is the accumulation of snow such that the Director of Public Works-Utilities (or their designee) in their sole discretion, authorizes the use of snowplows to clear the snow. 525-26(F) Declaration of snow emergency. The Director of Public Works-Utilities (or their designee) is hereby authorized to declare a snow emergency in advance of the conditions by reason of forecasted heavy snow or blizzard conditions. A snow emergency is to become effective immediately upon the declaration of a snow emergency and at such time no owner or operator of any motor vehicle shall park upon any public street or alley during a snow emergency or until the snow removal operations have completely cleared the street or alley. 525-26(G) Removal of violating vehicles. Any vehicles parked in violation of this section shall be cited by the Police Department as an illegally parked vehicle and is subject to the provisions of §525-3, Removal of illegally parked vehicles. This ordinance shall become effective upon passage and publication as provided by law. Introduced by Alderperson Bandsma, this 24th day of September 2024. /s/ Joshua Maas, Mayor ATTEST: Kristen M. Jacobson, City Clerk-Treasurer WNAXLP DCP 10/3


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